Professional Remodelers And Painters: Can Double-D Occupational Bifocals Improve Your Vision At Work?

Posted on: 12 April 2016

If you're a professional remodeler or painter who has problems seeing things close to you when you look up or down, ask an eye doctor about Double-D occupational bifocals. Most people develop an age-related vision problem called presbyopia, or blurred vision, when they reach 40 years of age. Presbyopia makes everything you focus on at close range appear blurred. You need to step back to see them clearly. Eye doctors often prescribe bifocals, which have one segment and one main lens, to correct the problems of presbyopia. However, you may need to use special bifocals called Double-D occupational bifocals that have two segments and a main lens to help you see objects placed above and below your field of vision, as well as at a distance. Here's how presbyopia affects your vision and how Double-D occupational bifocals improve your performance on remodeling projects.

What's Presbyopia?

According to sources, almost everyone will develop presbyopia as they age. The vision problem develops when the lenses of your eyes become rigid or less flexible. As a younger person, your eyes' lenses were soft, flexible and easily adaptable to change. You could see things clearly up close and from a distance without too many issues. Presbyopia creates problems with your ability to view things at close range.

Presbyopia may become disruptive or worse if you already have a vision problem, such as nearsightedness, or the inability to see things far away. If you currently wear regular eyeglasses to correct your nearsightedness, the vision wear may not work well when you develop presbyopia, because both parts of your vision are now compromised. You may experience a number of problems during your remodeling projects because of your compromised vision.

For example, you may mix up the wiring for an overhead light fixture because you can't see the pieces clearly, or you may place a paint line in the wrong place on the ceiling if you can't see where the end of another line stops or begins. These are just a couple of issues you may experience when you have multiple vision problems. 

To correct your multiple vision issues, an eye doctor may change your current eyeglass prescription to Double-D bifocals, or occupational bifocals. 

How Can Double-D Occupational Bifocals Improve Your Eyesight at Work?

Double-D bifocals are especially designed for auto mechanics, painters and other professionals who work in occupations that require them to focus overhead and read periodically. Some people may develop headaches and eyestrain from trying to focus on both issues. The bifocals feature two segments instead of one to combat these problems.

The first segment sits on the bottom portion of your eyeglass lens and allows you to read or see objects below your field of vision, such as reading instructions on a can of paint. The second segment sits at the top of the lens and gives you the ability to focus on things over your head, such as removing old paint from the ceiling. Both segments look like the letter "D" or half moons. The D-shaped segments mimic the natural curves of your eyes' lenses, which greatly improves your vision. 

The segments' strengths and thicknesses may vary, but they may come in specifications of 28mm or 35mm to fit your needs. An eye doctor may perform a detailed eye exam to help them prescribe the correct strengths and thicknesses for your Double-D bifocals. 

An eye specialist can use the main lens to correct your nearsightedness. The lens may be wider than the bifocal segments or smaller, depending on your vision care needs. An eye doctor will discuss how they plan to construct your bifocals when they examine your eyes.

If you would like to learn more about Double-D occupational bifocals, contact an eye doctor near you.
