Wondering How To Treat Your Grandchild's Lice When You Have Arthritis? What Are Your Options?
Posted on: 11 April 2017
If you have primary custody of your grandchild, you may deal with daily reminders that you're no longer as spry as you once were: whether huffing and puffing to keep up with a toddler as he or she runs toward a body of water, spending all weekend recovering after a particularly fast-paced game of catch, or waking up in the middle of the night to change bedding after a potty-training accident. And if your grandchild is diagnosed with a lice infestation, you may find yourself dreading the thought of spending hours pulling a tiny, fine-toothed comb through wet hair -- that is, if your arthritis even makes this process possible. Read on to learn more about some lice removal and treatment options that can ensure you'll be rid of these pests for good, even if you're physically unable to handle the removal process yourself.
Lice removal salon
As some state health regulations have relaxed over the last few decades, making it easier for parents to send their children back to school without proving they've undergone lice treatment, more and more parents (and grandparents) struggle with repeated re-infestation. As a result, a number of lice removal salons have popped up around the country. At these salons, stylists (or even just other parents) can wash and comb your child's hair to remove all traces of lice and nits, in many cases offering a money-back guarantee.
Heading to a lice removal salon can also help take away much of the embarrassment your grandchild may be experiencing (especially if he or she was identified as having lice in front of friends or classmates). By undergoing a professional washing with good-smelling shampoo and conditioner in a relaxing, judgment-free environment, your grandchild can feel pampered and special rather than isolated.
Heavy-duty lice shampoo (and a short weekend away)
Because lice are unable to survive away from their human hosts, evacuating your house for the weekend can be enough to get rid of any live lice or newly-hatched nits without requiring you to wash all your bedding and other soft surfaces. As long as you're careful to wash your grandchild's hair with a heavy-duty lice-killing shampoo several times over the course of your weekend away, ensuring that he or she isn't bringing any new lice home, you should be able to eliminate much of the physical burden of treating a child's lice infestation without rendering treatment ineffective.