Ketamine Infusion: A Primer For Those With Mental Health Concerns

Posted on: 6 March 2023

While mental health medications provide real benefits when used properly, not everyone reacts to them similarly. Some may respond poorly to such medicines or may not get any benefits. In this situation, ketamine injection therapy is an essential step. This unique therapy is designed to provide help for multiple concerns that medications cannot.

Mental Health Conditions Helped By Ketamine Infusion  

Ketamine infusion helps to balance a body's internal chemistry by providing the body with a healthy source of ketamine. This chemical binds to various receptors in the mind to improve a person's mental health and create many other benefits. As a result, it can be used to treat a surprising array of health concerns in powerful and beneficial ways. 

For instance, anxiety can take over a person's life when medications and therapy do little to help. Ketamine infusions can decrease a person's anxiety symptoms and minimize their reactions. In this way, ketamine can also be helpful for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), as many people experience anxiety when developing this condition and need help managing it to stay healthy. 

Other conditions that ketamine infusion can help with include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), generalized depression, and bipolar disorder. These conditions have similar underlying concerns, and ketamine infusion may help them. However, getting great results from this process requires working with a physician to get other therapeutic techniques. 

Properly Utilizing Ketamine Therapy With Other Care Options

Integrating ketamine therapy into generalized mental health care requires simple adjustments to ensure success. Most of these changes are minor but may include more significant alterations. For example, people getting ketamine infusion for mental health concerns need to work with their doctor to handle changes in their:

  • Medications: Before ketamine infusion, a doctor will gauge a person's medicines to ensure they don't interfere with ketamine. Any mood-altering substances may impact how well it works. 
  • Counseling: Typically, a person with mental health disorders will continue their counseling sessions. That's because this method can help provide the help that ketamine can't, such as behavioral changes. 
  • Alternative Care: Other alternative care options, such as acupuncture, may require slight changes in ketamine treatment. Working with a specialist can help address this issue further. 

These techniques can help people with mental health disorders get the treatment they need to stay healthy with ketamine infusion. Thankfully, this care option has become more common in recent years, meaning it may be available to even more people.

To find out more, contact a company like Las Vegas Ketamine.
