Where Should You Go For Medical Treatment?

Posted on: 19 August 2017

If you get hurt or sick, you may not be sure where you should go to get taken care of. That answer isn't always as simple as you think it is. You can choose your primary care physician, an urgent care clinic, or go to the emergency room. You want to make sure that you use the right level of care for whatever is wrong with you. Knowing where to go will make it easier for you to get the appropriate care.
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6 Things To Know About Recovering From Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery

Posted on: 1 August 2017

Pelvic reconstructive surgery is often used to repair damage caused by issues affecting the pelvic floor, often caused by childbirth, disease, or former surgery. Many women realize that they are having pelvic floor issues due to health issues like constipation, incontinence, an urgency with urination, and urinary leakage. After surgery, many patients express that these symptoms decrease or are totally eliminated. Unfortunately, there are a few things that happen post-surgery that you need to know about:
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Menopause And Aging: Overcome The Changes In Your Breasts

Posted on: 18 July 2017

For some women, menopause can be one of the most difficult and confusing times of their lives. The many changes that occur during this stage in your life can affect you both mentally and physically, including the loss of volume and firmness in your breasts. Your once perky and firm breasts may now appear soft and droopy. If you're like other women, the changes in your chest may make you feel uncomfortable about your appearance.
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Explaining Overactive Bladder

Posted on: 26 June 2017

Constant and urgent need to urinate is the main symptom of an overactive bladder. Men may experience this more often with age because of an enlarged prostate, but many women also suffer from overactive bladder as the result of having several children, medications, and even overuse of stimulants such as caffeine and amphetamines. If you feel like you have to urinate every twenty minutes, or you have to get up every hour at night, you may have an overactive bladder.
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