Symptoms To Expect During Opiate Detox At A Drug Treatment Facility

Posted on: 13 June 2017

If there is one thing that can scare someone who is addicted to opiates away from seeking treatment, it is the thought of what detox will entail. Because you have been supplying your body with a steady stream of foreign components, when you take that away, it reacts in a way that can cause extreme discomfort. For this reason, it is crucial that you seek a medically-supervised detox if you are addicted to opiates.
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Preparing For An Ultrasound

Posted on: 8 June 2017

Ultrasound is used by gynecologists as a valuable diagnostic tool when it comes to helping you maintain your reproductive health. Ultrasound technology allows your gynecologist to see into your body without having to physically open you up. Preparing for an ultrasound properly is important when it comes to the success and comfort of your procedure. Here are three tips that you can keep in mind to help you properly prepare for your next ultrasound:
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Conditions You May Suffer From That Are Related To Ledderhose

Posted on: 4 June 2017

Ledderhose disease is a condition that involves the thickening of the foot's connective tissues. This condition can eventually lead to walking becoming very painful. Ledderhose disease is not a common condition, but there are some cases where you may be at increased risk of contracting this disease. This condition has a higher incidence in males, though anyone can suffer from it. The reason for the higher prevalence in men might be genetic.
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Buying Your Medical Supplies In Person Vs. Ordering What You Need Online

Posted on: 29 May 2017

There are a lot of people who don't mind going to medical supply stores to regularly pick up more batteries for their hearing aids, replacement blood sugar monitors, or even new walking canes. At the same time, there is likely an equal amount of people who would rather read about medical equipment product features and warranties online, then place their orders online. If you want to know which option for purchasing medical equipment is best, considering the pros and cons of in person purchases versus online ordering is necessary.
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